This is a jar. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. This ivory jar is now very damaged. It was originally a cylindrical shape. The holes in the rim were…
This is a jar. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. This ivory jar is now very damaged. It was originally a cylindrical shape. The holes in the rim were…
This is a mirror. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. It is not clear from the excavation report how many bodies were buried in this tomb. There were three…
These are shell beads from jewellery. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. Cowrie shells, a symbol of fertility, were probably used as beads for jewellery. These are shell beads…
This is a scaraboid. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. The inscription on the underside of this faience scaraboid bead reads 'Lord of all countries'. This is a scaraboid.…
This is a bead necklace. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. A carnelian bead necklace from the 18th Dynasty cemetery at Abydos. This is said to be one of…
These are beads and bead spacers from jewellery. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. Tomb 226 had been robbed, but a lot of beads were left by the tomb…
This is a finger ring. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. Tomb D 226 contained several pieces of jewellery. This plain ring is of the type that can be…
This is a strainer straw. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. This pierced tube may be a strainer to fit in the end of a straw, designed to siphon…
Earrings and beads. It is from grave D226 at Abydos. The three single gold earrings may have been from different burials in the tomb. Only two gold earrings are mentioned…