This is the head from a pottery slipper coffin.
It is from Faqus (Phakussa, Goshen). Slipper coffins were made of pottery. The tube-shaped coffin had an opening on the top for inserting the mummy. The opening was then covered with a head or faceplate like this. This type of coffin occurs in cemeteries in the Delta and in Palestine. They may be the coffins of Canaanite, Philistine, or Phonecian merceneries who served in the Egyptian army, or they may be a local answer to a lack of wood for coffin-making. This is the head from a pottery slipper coffin. It is made from clay. It is about 3,000 years old, dating to the 20th or 21st Dynasty (1186-945 BCE) 11in the New Kingdom or Third Internediate Period.